
Minecraft hide out
Minecraft hide out

minecraft hide out

The selected item also displays on the right side of the screen, or an empty fist if the slot is empty. It consists of the bottom nine slots within the player's inventory. It is where the player stores and selects commonly used items. The hotbar is a selection bar that appears on the bottom of the screen. The inventory button is visible when using touch input. In Creative mode, the health, hunger, oxygen, experience and armor bars are hidden.Ĭhat is also part of the HUD, in the bottom left corner‌ /top left corner‌, showing anything recently spoken or commands recently executed. Note that the health and armor bars are on the top left and the hunger and oxygen bars are on the top right if the player is in Bedrock Edition and has chosen the Pocket Edition UI. The armor condition bar appears above the health bar if the player is wearing armor, and the oxygen bar displays above the hunger bar if the player's air supply NBT tag is below 300. The HUD consists of the user's health, hunger and experience bars, the hotbar, as well as a crosshair that designates the currently focused on block or entity if the player is not playing on a mobile device and has not enabled split controls. Clockwise starting from the bottom left: the experience bar, the health bar, the armor bar, the oxygen bar, and the hunger bar.

Minecraft hide out